Sunday, April 25, 2010

Catching the Clcik Happy Employees....Enterprise Computing

As your restaurant expands, there is a great possibility that you may choose to go corporate and soon, you could be considered a SMB or a service enterprise. A smb is a small and medium sized business that is smaller in size than an enterprise and typically does not have international presence. Nevertheless, these companies may use the same technologies that enterprises use, but on a smaller scale. In this day and age, I would highly recommend using the same systems as an enterprise since it could greatly behoove you! For today's scenario, we are going to assume that your restaurant really took off, you are now the executive manager of a corporate company...

When a company in the restaurant industry goes corporate, you are guaranteed to see multiple functional units develop. With head quarters all over the United States, you desire to have each unit functioning under the same set of standards and procedures. IST 195 taught you that maintaining a solid and secure network is imperative to making this happen! What many employees don't realize though is that every move they made while signed onto this network may be monitored. This is a major asset for you as the executive management to know and understand how this system works.

Employers are able to monitor an employees productivity, liability and even security using a surveillance system. You can track the sites that your employees are visiting on work computers, scan through their emails to make sure that pertinent information is not being leaked, monitor phone calls, and even watch for illegal online activities that could negatively represent your company. It is hard to believe that your company is at this risk, but it is also nieve to believe that none of your employees will try and take advantage of their scheduled work hours on a computer. With labor costs being the most costly expenditure for a restaurant, do not take the risk of lazy employees surfing the web.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Today, I would advise learning the basic skills necessary to create and modify a query using Microsoft Access 2007. This program is very efficient and useful in your restaurant, if utilized. I would recommend using Microsoft Access to create a survey style query on your web page.

Using Microsoft Access, you can design a survey in which panelists can answer in multiple fashions. For instance, you can insert check boxes, yes and no answers, true and false, text boxes, and multiple choice. All of these options are available and will help you form both quantitative data as well as qualitative.

I would suggest always adding a few demographic questions so that you can make sure you are hitting your target market. Questions need to be worded to pull information about popular items, and even likes and dislikes. They must be specific enough so that you can gain detailed and accurate results. Also, please note that the program can be modified to send you an email after someone fills out your survey.

Preforming a task like this may be a bit time consuming, but it well worth the wait if the results help you to pinpoint issues and star items of your restaurant. People will finally have a way to give their input in, and feel as if their opinions matter, and there is nothing as important as customer satisfaction!!

Photoshop Fixers

Photoshop is by far my favorite application and program on computers. I could spend days doing nothing but editing pictures, and you could benefit from this program as well! Hospitality is all about marketing, and whether you are trying to market your business as a whole, or your food, pictures are the way to go. Giving guests a visual of what they receive at your location is essential to your success. Therefore we will discuss the many advantages and tools that you will find beneficiary in Photoshop.

Taking photographs of food is a lot harder than you would expect, but when creating your menu, or when you are putting out a promotional add, your images have to sell the items for themselves. Your photograph must be cropped perfectly, the colors must be accurate, and most importantly, the clarity of the image must be perfected as this photograph has to sell, the item for you. A good photograph can be easily turned great by using photoshop.

The most useful tool is cropping. Cropping is done by dragging and selecting the area of the photo that you want to keep. Photoshop will automatically get rid of the surrounding area that you wish to discard. You can also use this device to rotate photos and center something that may have been left adjusted or crooked.

Other editing features include the stamp tool. The stamp tool will allow you to select an area of your image, and repeat the color sequence on another area. For instance, if your image is of a fillet of salmon, and one spot on the fish is a bit discolored, or possesses too much pepper in that area, you can select a similar area of the image and repeat the color sequence over top of the blemish.

Levels will also behoove you. Using levels you can alter the lighting composition of the image. If your snapshot is underexposed or overexposed, Photoshop will help you amend the error.

Photoshop is a great amenity, costly, but worth every cent. Every computer owner needs this great application!

Friday, April 2, 2010


A virus could attack your computer at any time without you even knowing it. Therefore it is imperative that you are aware of the possible computer crimes that you could encounter, and how to protect yourself from them. Especially, your work computer needs to have a firewall or other antivirus program installed to prevent these risks.

Unauthorized access is the use of a computer or network without permission. To prevent this hacking, it is very important that you use passwords and user names as access controls. For instance, you can even set your preferences on your computer that forces users to enter in a password or set of digits to even turn on your computer.

Also, you need to be aware of spam ware. Spam is an unsolicited e-mail message or newsgroup posting sent to multiple recipients at once. A picture of a cute little kitten may pop up in your inbox, but beware that it is possible that it may be an encrypted message. It could ultimately destroy your computer. Programs such as Antivirus and firewal can protect you from these attacks.

Taking preventative measures to secure your computer is not just an option, it is an imperative precaution that you must take. Sleep easy at night knowing that you will not be receiving any cookies or spam that could destroy your computer. Your employees can feel safe that their personal information such as social security numbers and credit information is safe as well.