Saturday, February 6, 2010

Taste with Twitter

Sharing personal information with the world wide web is something that never appealed to me. Why would anyone want to share all kinds of personal information across the web for all to see, and possibly, use to their advantage? My mistake, I was merley thinking about the hundreds of facebook stalkers on campus, and completely blocked out the advantages that Twitter can have if applied to the real-world. Business are a great example of proper utilization of organizations and social networking programs online. Microblogging is a service which allows a subscriber broadcast a short message (140 characters) to other subscribers of the service. So far, people have used Twitter to broadcast what is on their mind, the new adventures that they face each day, and to simply keep in touch with people who they don't get to see everyday. Nevertheless, businesses are beginning to use Twitter just as much as they broadcast coupon codes, and advertisements to Twitter followers.

A great example is Food Service Enablers out of Western New York. This organization pays their employers to post "tweets" online to keep their followers informed on all the different programs that they have to offer. Advertising for Local restaurant is HUGE with FSE. Currently FoodServiceGirl is constantly updating her followers on restaurants that are participating. This not only advertises for those businesses, but promotes her event.

Twitter is so easy to use, that literally anyone could do it. And better yet, everyone is doing it! What better place to do advertising for your restaurant than somewhere that already has an established fan base and can be updated instantly? Plus it's free! On this website, you could definitely post coupon codes, promote new dishes and specials daily, offer discounts for regulars, and even keep in touch with your employees. Companies have even used this as an outreach to post job opportunities. Advertising for events works too. Restaurants that have nightly entertainment utilize this source as well. It's a great way to get your name out there!

Keeping up with the Jones may not be such a bad thing afterall!

1 comment:

  1. Hi this is FOODSERVICEGIRL and I can just say that Twittering and using facebook is easy and fun! My job entails using Twitter to find restaurants and customers alike to inform them about Local Restaurant Week. I also has posted a "the buzz" section of my website ( to link and show all of my "tweets" to anyone who looks at our site...thus finding and reaching the general public!
